WPF Bitmap / BitmapFrame to multi-page / multi-frame TIFF with JPEG encodingMVVM, WPF Ribbon V4, with...
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WPF Bitmap / BitmapFrame to multi-page / multi-frame TIFF with JPEG encoding
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WPF Bitmap / BitmapFrame to multi-page / multi-frame TIFF with JPEG encoding
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I was searching for a long time how to write multi-page TIFFs with the JPEG encoding. TIFFs support JPEG encoded frames but the built-in encoder in .NET Framework does not have JPEG as a compression option.
The code is based on the answer to this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14811496/tiff-with-jpeg-compression-much-larger-than-original-jpeg
but does not rely on the FreeImage library.
First up, a class to convert BitmapFrame
or Bitmap
to a JPEG image:
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
public byte[] Data;
public uint Width;
public uint Height;
public uint HorizontalResolution;
public uint VerticalResolution;
public Jpeg(byte[] data, uint width, uint height, uint horizontalResolution, uint verticalResolution)
this.Data = data;
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
this.HorizontalResolution = horizontalResolution;
this.VerticalResolution = verticalResolution;
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
public static Jpeg FromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Encoder encoder = Encoder.Quality;
EncoderParameters parameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
parameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(encoder, quality);
bitmap.Save(stream, jpgEncoder, parameters);
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint) bitmap.Width, (uint) bitmap.Height, (uint) bitmap.HorizontalResolution, (uint) bitmap.VerticalResolution);
return jpeg;
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Next, a class to create the TIFF image
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace TIFF
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var bitmap in bitmaps)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmap(bitmap, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
if (jpegs == null || jpegs.Count == 0 || jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Image Data must not be null or empty");
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
#region IFH - Image file header
// magic number
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
// offset to (first) IFD
#endregion IFH
#region IFD Image file directory
// write image file directories for each jpeg
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
uint width = jpeg.Width;
uint length = jpeg.Height;
uint xres = jpeg.HorizontalResolution;
uint yres = jpeg.VerticalResolution;
// count of entries:
offset += 6 + 12 * (uint)entryCount; // add lengths of entries, entry-count and next-ifd-offset
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
{257, 4, 1, length}, // ImageLength
{258, 3, 3, offset}, // BitsPerSample
{259, 3, 1, 7}, // Compression (new JPEG)
{262, 3, 1, 6}, //PhotometricInterpretation (YCbCr)
{273, 4, 1, offset + 22}, // StripOffsets (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution & XResolution)
{277, 3, 1, 3}, // SamplesPerPixel
{278, 4, 1, length}, // RowsPerStrip
{279, 4, 1, (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength}, // StripByteCounts
{282, 5, 1, offset + 6}, // XResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample)
{283, 5, 1, offset + 14}, // YResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution)
{284, 3, 1, 1}, // PlanarConfiguration (chunky)
{296, 3, 1, 2} // ResolutionUnit
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
// offset of next IFD
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
#region values of fields
// BitsPerSample
// XResolution
// YResolution
#endregion values of fields
// actual image Data
#endregion IFD
return tiffData.ToArray();
It could probably be improved by passing in the stream to write to instead of returning a byte array.
c# image wpf compression
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I was searching for a long time how to write multi-page TIFFs with the JPEG encoding. TIFFs support JPEG encoded frames but the built-in encoder in .NET Framework does not have JPEG as a compression option.
The code is based on the answer to this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14811496/tiff-with-jpeg-compression-much-larger-than-original-jpeg
but does not rely on the FreeImage library.
First up, a class to convert BitmapFrame
or Bitmap
to a JPEG image:
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
public byte[] Data;
public uint Width;
public uint Height;
public uint HorizontalResolution;
public uint VerticalResolution;
public Jpeg(byte[] data, uint width, uint height, uint horizontalResolution, uint verticalResolution)
this.Data = data;
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
this.HorizontalResolution = horizontalResolution;
this.VerticalResolution = verticalResolution;
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
public static Jpeg FromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Encoder encoder = Encoder.Quality;
EncoderParameters parameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
parameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(encoder, quality);
bitmap.Save(stream, jpgEncoder, parameters);
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint) bitmap.Width, (uint) bitmap.Height, (uint) bitmap.HorizontalResolution, (uint) bitmap.VerticalResolution);
return jpeg;
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Next, a class to create the TIFF image
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace TIFF
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var bitmap in bitmaps)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmap(bitmap, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
if (jpegs == null || jpegs.Count == 0 || jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Image Data must not be null or empty");
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
#region IFH - Image file header
// magic number
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
// offset to (first) IFD
#endregion IFH
#region IFD Image file directory
// write image file directories for each jpeg
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
uint width = jpeg.Width;
uint length = jpeg.Height;
uint xres = jpeg.HorizontalResolution;
uint yres = jpeg.VerticalResolution;
// count of entries:
offset += 6 + 12 * (uint)entryCount; // add lengths of entries, entry-count and next-ifd-offset
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
{257, 4, 1, length}, // ImageLength
{258, 3, 3, offset}, // BitsPerSample
{259, 3, 1, 7}, // Compression (new JPEG)
{262, 3, 1, 6}, //PhotometricInterpretation (YCbCr)
{273, 4, 1, offset + 22}, // StripOffsets (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution & XResolution)
{277, 3, 1, 3}, // SamplesPerPixel
{278, 4, 1, length}, // RowsPerStrip
{279, 4, 1, (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength}, // StripByteCounts
{282, 5, 1, offset + 6}, // XResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample)
{283, 5, 1, offset + 14}, // YResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution)
{284, 3, 1, 1}, // PlanarConfiguration (chunky)
{296, 3, 1, 2} // ResolutionUnit
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
// offset of next IFD
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
#region values of fields
// BitsPerSample
// XResolution
// YResolution
#endregion values of fields
// actual image Data
#endregion IFD
return tiffData.ToArray();
It could probably be improved by passing in the stream to write to instead of returning a byte array.
c# image wpf compression
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I was searching for a long time how to write multi-page TIFFs with the JPEG encoding. TIFFs support JPEG encoded frames but the built-in encoder in .NET Framework does not have JPEG as a compression option.
The code is based on the answer to this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14811496/tiff-with-jpeg-compression-much-larger-than-original-jpeg
but does not rely on the FreeImage library.
First up, a class to convert BitmapFrame
or Bitmap
to a JPEG image:
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
public byte[] Data;
public uint Width;
public uint Height;
public uint HorizontalResolution;
public uint VerticalResolution;
public Jpeg(byte[] data, uint width, uint height, uint horizontalResolution, uint verticalResolution)
this.Data = data;
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
this.HorizontalResolution = horizontalResolution;
this.VerticalResolution = verticalResolution;
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
public static Jpeg FromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Encoder encoder = Encoder.Quality;
EncoderParameters parameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
parameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(encoder, quality);
bitmap.Save(stream, jpgEncoder, parameters);
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint) bitmap.Width, (uint) bitmap.Height, (uint) bitmap.HorizontalResolution, (uint) bitmap.VerticalResolution);
return jpeg;
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Next, a class to create the TIFF image
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace TIFF
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var bitmap in bitmaps)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmap(bitmap, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
if (jpegs == null || jpegs.Count == 0 || jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Image Data must not be null or empty");
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
#region IFH - Image file header
// magic number
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
// offset to (first) IFD
#endregion IFH
#region IFD Image file directory
// write image file directories for each jpeg
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
uint width = jpeg.Width;
uint length = jpeg.Height;
uint xres = jpeg.HorizontalResolution;
uint yres = jpeg.VerticalResolution;
// count of entries:
offset += 6 + 12 * (uint)entryCount; // add lengths of entries, entry-count and next-ifd-offset
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
{257, 4, 1, length}, // ImageLength
{258, 3, 3, offset}, // BitsPerSample
{259, 3, 1, 7}, // Compression (new JPEG)
{262, 3, 1, 6}, //PhotometricInterpretation (YCbCr)
{273, 4, 1, offset + 22}, // StripOffsets (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution & XResolution)
{277, 3, 1, 3}, // SamplesPerPixel
{278, 4, 1, length}, // RowsPerStrip
{279, 4, 1, (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength}, // StripByteCounts
{282, 5, 1, offset + 6}, // XResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample)
{283, 5, 1, offset + 14}, // YResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution)
{284, 3, 1, 1}, // PlanarConfiguration (chunky)
{296, 3, 1, 2} // ResolutionUnit
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
// offset of next IFD
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
#region values of fields
// BitsPerSample
// XResolution
// YResolution
#endregion values of fields
// actual image Data
#endregion IFD
return tiffData.ToArray();
It could probably be improved by passing in the stream to write to instead of returning a byte array.
c# image wpf compression
I was searching for a long time how to write multi-page TIFFs with the JPEG encoding. TIFFs support JPEG encoded frames but the built-in encoder in .NET Framework does not have JPEG as a compression option.
The code is based on the answer to this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14811496/tiff-with-jpeg-compression-much-larger-than-original-jpeg
but does not rely on the FreeImage library.
First up, a class to convert BitmapFrame
or Bitmap
to a JPEG image:
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
public byte[] Data;
public uint Width;
public uint Height;
public uint HorizontalResolution;
public uint VerticalResolution;
public Jpeg(byte[] data, uint width, uint height, uint horizontalResolution, uint verticalResolution)
this.Data = data;
this.Width = width;
this.Height = height;
this.HorizontalResolution = horizontalResolution;
this.VerticalResolution = verticalResolution;
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
public static Jpeg FromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Encoder encoder = Encoder.Quality;
EncoderParameters parameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
parameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(encoder, quality);
bitmap.Save(stream, jpgEncoder, parameters);
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint) bitmap.Width, (uint) bitmap.Height, (uint) bitmap.HorizontalResolution, (uint) bitmap.VerticalResolution);
return jpeg;
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Next, a class to create the TIFF image
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace TIFF
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var bitmap in bitmaps)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmap(bitmap, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
if (jpegs == null || jpegs.Count == 0 || jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Image Data must not be null or empty");
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
#region IFH - Image file header
// magic number
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
// offset to (first) IFD
#endregion IFH
#region IFD Image file directory
// write image file directories for each jpeg
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
uint width = jpeg.Width;
uint length = jpeg.Height;
uint xres = jpeg.HorizontalResolution;
uint yres = jpeg.VerticalResolution;
// count of entries:
offset += 6 + 12 * (uint)entryCount; // add lengths of entries, entry-count and next-ifd-offset
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
{257, 4, 1, length}, // ImageLength
{258, 3, 3, offset}, // BitsPerSample
{259, 3, 1, 7}, // Compression (new JPEG)
{262, 3, 1, 6}, //PhotometricInterpretation (YCbCr)
{273, 4, 1, offset + 22}, // StripOffsets (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution & XResolution)
{277, 3, 1, 3}, // SamplesPerPixel
{278, 4, 1, length}, // RowsPerStrip
{279, 4, 1, (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength}, // StripByteCounts
{282, 5, 1, offset + 6}, // XResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample)
{283, 5, 1, offset + 14}, // YResolution (offset IFH + entries + values of BitsPerSample & YResolution)
{284, 3, 1, 1}, // PlanarConfiguration (chunky)
{296, 3, 1, 2} // ResolutionUnit
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
// offset of next IFD
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
#region values of fields
// BitsPerSample
// XResolution
// YResolution
#endregion values of fields
// actual image Data
#endregion IFD
return tiffData.ToArray();
It could probably be improved by passing in the stream to write to instead of returning a byte array.
c# image wpf compression
c# image wpf compression
edited 7 hours ago
asked 8 hours ago
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2 Answers
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
Here it should be safe to return from inside the using
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
return new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Using LINQ this can be reduced to a oneliner:
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
return ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().FirstOrDefault(codec => codec.FormatID == format.Guid);
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
Again LINQ can "modernize" this a little:
public static byte[] Create(IEnumerable<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
return WrapJpegs(frames.Select(frame => Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality)).ToList());
jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1
jpegs.Any(j => j.Data.Length == 0)
IMO easier to read.
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
You need to wrap these in using
using (MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream()) // HDH Use using in order to clean up
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData))
return tiffData.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
The stop condition is confusing. Why not just use jpegs.Count
because you actually iterate through all items anyway.
In the main loop you declare this:
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
But you use jpegs[i]
several times in the loop. Be consistent.
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
I think I would make a struct or class for these fields in order to be strict with types - hence avoiding the casting.
make a const ushort bitsPerSample = 8;
for this - before the loop.
The idea of having a stream
as argument to the methods is good, but be aware that BinaryWriter
disposes the stream, when it is disposed unless you use the constructor with the leaveOpen
Nice stuff with the LINQ, looks great. BTW is it better to edit the original question with these changes or post another answer?
– geometrikal
1 hour ago
@geometrikal: You're not allowed to change the question once an answer has been posted. Feel free to make an answer with the changes or post a new question with an updated version :-)
– Henrik Hansen
1 hour ago
add a comment |
Henrik covered a number of points which I would have raised, so I won't repeat those.
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
seems inconsistent to me. The convention in .Net is to camel-case acronyms and initialisms, so the class name is as expected and the namespace is not.
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
Since Jpeg
is a public class it seems to me that you could rename WrapJpegs
to Create
and make it public. That opens up the option, for example, of encoding different frames at different qualities. (I'd also change List
to IEnumerable
, as Henrik proposes for the existing Create
There are some worrying magic numbers. Some of these concerns might be alleviated by a comment with a URL for the file format specification.
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
Is this 4 for the endianness magic number and 4 for offset
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
This is fields.GetLength(0)
, isn't it? Is there any reason that you can't explicitly use fields.GetLength(0)
for robustness if you later add or remove a field?
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = ...
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
I find it very confusing that a short
and a long
should take the same amount of space.
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
22? Three shorts and four ints?
One more explicit (although less portable, I admit) approach to these lengths would be to use structs for the chunks of fields and Marshal.SizeOf
. But I understand if you think that's overkill.
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2 Answers
2 Answers
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
Here it should be safe to return from inside the using
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
return new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Using LINQ this can be reduced to a oneliner:
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
return ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().FirstOrDefault(codec => codec.FormatID == format.Guid);
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
Again LINQ can "modernize" this a little:
public static byte[] Create(IEnumerable<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
return WrapJpegs(frames.Select(frame => Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality)).ToList());
jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1
jpegs.Any(j => j.Data.Length == 0)
IMO easier to read.
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
You need to wrap these in using
using (MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream()) // HDH Use using in order to clean up
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData))
return tiffData.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
The stop condition is confusing. Why not just use jpegs.Count
because you actually iterate through all items anyway.
In the main loop you declare this:
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
But you use jpegs[i]
several times in the loop. Be consistent.
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
I think I would make a struct or class for these fields in order to be strict with types - hence avoiding the casting.
make a const ushort bitsPerSample = 8;
for this - before the loop.
The idea of having a stream
as argument to the methods is good, but be aware that BinaryWriter
disposes the stream, when it is disposed unless you use the constructor with the leaveOpen
Nice stuff with the LINQ, looks great. BTW is it better to edit the original question with these changes or post another answer?
– geometrikal
1 hour ago
@geometrikal: You're not allowed to change the question once an answer has been posted. Feel free to make an answer with the changes or post a new question with an updated version :-)
– Henrik Hansen
1 hour ago
add a comment |
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
Here it should be safe to return from inside the using
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
return new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Using LINQ this can be reduced to a oneliner:
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
return ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().FirstOrDefault(codec => codec.FormatID == format.Guid);
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
Again LINQ can "modernize" this a little:
public static byte[] Create(IEnumerable<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
return WrapJpegs(frames.Select(frame => Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality)).ToList());
jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1
jpegs.Any(j => j.Data.Length == 0)
IMO easier to read.
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
You need to wrap these in using
using (MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream()) // HDH Use using in order to clean up
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData))
return tiffData.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
The stop condition is confusing. Why not just use jpegs.Count
because you actually iterate through all items anyway.
In the main loop you declare this:
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
But you use jpegs[i]
several times in the loop. Be consistent.
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
I think I would make a struct or class for these fields in order to be strict with types - hence avoiding the casting.
make a const ushort bitsPerSample = 8;
for this - before the loop.
The idea of having a stream
as argument to the methods is good, but be aware that BinaryWriter
disposes the stream, when it is disposed unless you use the constructor with the leaveOpen
Nice stuff with the LINQ, looks great. BTW is it better to edit the original question with these changes or post another answer?
– geometrikal
1 hour ago
@geometrikal: You're not allowed to change the question once an answer has been posted. Feel free to make an answer with the changes or post a new question with an updated version :-)
– Henrik Hansen
1 hour ago
add a comment |
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
Here it should be safe to return from inside the using
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
return new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Using LINQ this can be reduced to a oneliner:
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
return ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().FirstOrDefault(codec => codec.FormatID == format.Guid);
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
Again LINQ can "modernize" this a little:
public static byte[] Create(IEnumerable<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
return WrapJpegs(frames.Select(frame => Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality)).ToList());
jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1
jpegs.Any(j => j.Data.Length == 0)
IMO easier to read.
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
You need to wrap these in using
using (MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream()) // HDH Use using in order to clean up
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData))
return tiffData.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
The stop condition is confusing. Why not just use jpegs.Count
because you actually iterate through all items anyway.
In the main loop you declare this:
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
But you use jpegs[i]
several times in the loop. Be consistent.
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
I think I would make a struct or class for these fields in order to be strict with types - hence avoiding the casting.
make a const ushort bitsPerSample = 8;
for this - before the loop.
The idea of having a stream
as argument to the methods is good, but be aware that BinaryWriter
disposes the stream, when it is disposed unless you use the constructor with the leaveOpen
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
Jpeg jpeg;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
jpeg = new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
return jpeg;
Here it should be safe to return from inside the using
public static Jpeg FromBitmapFrame(BitmapFrame bitmap, long quality)
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
encoder.QualityLevel = 90;
return new Jpeg(stream.ToArray(), (uint)bitmap.Width, (uint)bitmap.Height, (uint)bitmap.DpiX, (uint)bitmap.DpiY);
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
Using LINQ this can be reduced to a oneliner:
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
return ImageCodecInfo.GetImageDecoders().FirstOrDefault(codec => codec.FormatID == format.Guid);
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
List<Jpeg> jpegs = new List<Jpeg>();
foreach (var frame in frames)
jpegs.Add(Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality));
return WrapJpegs(jpegs);
Again LINQ can "modernize" this a little:
public static byte[] Create(IEnumerable<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
return WrapJpegs(frames.Select(frame => Jpeg.FromBitmapFrame(frame, quality)).ToList());
jpegs.FindIndex(b => b.Data.Length == 0) > -1
jpegs.Any(j => j.Data.Length == 0)
IMO easier to read.
MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData);
You need to wrap these in using
using (MemoryStream tiffData = new MemoryStream()) // HDH Use using in order to clean up
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(tiffData))
return tiffData.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; offset > 0; i++)
The stop condition is confusing. Why not just use jpegs.Count
because you actually iterate through all items anyway.
In the main loop you declare this:
var jpeg = jpegs[i];
But you use jpegs[i]
several times in the loop. Be consistent.
uint[,] fields = new uint[,] {
{254, 4, 1, 0}, // NewSubfileType
{256, 4, 1, width}, // ImageWidth
I think I would make a struct or class for these fields in order to be strict with types - hence avoiding the casting.
make a const ushort bitsPerSample = 8;
for this - before the loop.
The idea of having a stream
as argument to the methods is good, but be aware that BinaryWriter
disposes the stream, when it is disposed unless you use the constructor with the leaveOpen
edited 1 hour ago
answered 1 hour ago
Henrik HansenHenrik Hansen
Nice stuff with the LINQ, looks great. BTW is it better to edit the original question with these changes or post another answer?
– geometrikal
1 hour ago
@geometrikal: You're not allowed to change the question once an answer has been posted. Feel free to make an answer with the changes or post a new question with an updated version :-)
– Henrik Hansen
1 hour ago
add a comment |
Nice stuff with the LINQ, looks great. BTW is it better to edit the original question with these changes or post another answer?
– geometrikal
1 hour ago
@geometrikal: You're not allowed to change the question once an answer has been posted. Feel free to make an answer with the changes or post a new question with an updated version :-)
– Henrik Hansen
1 hour ago
Nice stuff with the LINQ, looks great. BTW is it better to edit the original question with these changes or post another answer?
– geometrikal
1 hour ago
Nice stuff with the LINQ, looks great. BTW is it better to edit the original question with these changes or post another answer?
– geometrikal
1 hour ago
@geometrikal: You're not allowed to change the question once an answer has been posted. Feel free to make an answer with the changes or post a new question with an updated version :-)
– Henrik Hansen
1 hour ago
@geometrikal: You're not allowed to change the question once an answer has been posted. Feel free to make an answer with the changes or post a new question with an updated version :-)
– Henrik Hansen
1 hour ago
add a comment |
Henrik covered a number of points which I would have raised, so I won't repeat those.
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
seems inconsistent to me. The convention in .Net is to camel-case acronyms and initialisms, so the class name is as expected and the namespace is not.
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
Since Jpeg
is a public class it seems to me that you could rename WrapJpegs
to Create
and make it public. That opens up the option, for example, of encoding different frames at different qualities. (I'd also change List
to IEnumerable
, as Henrik proposes for the existing Create
There are some worrying magic numbers. Some of these concerns might be alleviated by a comment with a URL for the file format specification.
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
Is this 4 for the endianness magic number and 4 for offset
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
This is fields.GetLength(0)
, isn't it? Is there any reason that you can't explicitly use fields.GetLength(0)
for robustness if you later add or remove a field?
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = ...
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
I find it very confusing that a short
and a long
should take the same amount of space.
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
22? Three shorts and four ints?
One more explicit (although less portable, I admit) approach to these lengths would be to use structs for the chunks of fields and Marshal.SizeOf
. But I understand if you think that's overkill.
add a comment |
Henrik covered a number of points which I would have raised, so I won't repeat those.
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
seems inconsistent to me. The convention in .Net is to camel-case acronyms and initialisms, so the class name is as expected and the namespace is not.
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
Since Jpeg
is a public class it seems to me that you could rename WrapJpegs
to Create
and make it public. That opens up the option, for example, of encoding different frames at different qualities. (I'd also change List
to IEnumerable
, as Henrik proposes for the existing Create
There are some worrying magic numbers. Some of these concerns might be alleviated by a comment with a URL for the file format specification.
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
Is this 4 for the endianness magic number and 4 for offset
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
This is fields.GetLength(0)
, isn't it? Is there any reason that you can't explicitly use fields.GetLength(0)
for robustness if you later add or remove a field?
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = ...
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
I find it very confusing that a short
and a long
should take the same amount of space.
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
22? Three shorts and four ints?
One more explicit (although less portable, I admit) approach to these lengths would be to use structs for the chunks of fields and Marshal.SizeOf
. But I understand if you think that's overkill.
add a comment |
Henrik covered a number of points which I would have raised, so I won't repeat those.
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
seems inconsistent to me. The convention in .Net is to camel-case acronyms and initialisms, so the class name is as expected and the namespace is not.
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
Since Jpeg
is a public class it seems to me that you could rename WrapJpegs
to Create
and make it public. That opens up the option, for example, of encoding different frames at different qualities. (I'd also change List
to IEnumerable
, as Henrik proposes for the existing Create
There are some worrying magic numbers. Some of these concerns might be alleviated by a comment with a URL for the file format specification.
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
Is this 4 for the endianness magic number and 4 for offset
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
This is fields.GetLength(0)
, isn't it? Is there any reason that you can't explicitly use fields.GetLength(0)
for robustness if you later add or remove a field?
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = ...
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
I find it very confusing that a short
and a long
should take the same amount of space.
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
22? Three shorts and four ints?
One more explicit (although less portable, I admit) approach to these lengths would be to use structs for the chunks of fields and Marshal.SizeOf
. But I understand if you think that's overkill.
Henrik covered a number of points which I would have raised, so I won't repeat those.
namespace TIFF
public class Jpeg
seems inconsistent to me. The convention in .Net is to camel-case acronyms and initialisms, so the class name is as expected and the namespace is not.
public static class JpegTiff
public static byte[] Create(List<BitmapFrame> frames, long quality)
public static byte[] Create(List<Bitmap> bitmaps, string filename, long quality)
private static byte[] WrapJpegs(List<Jpeg> jpegs)
Since Jpeg
is a public class it seems to me that you could rename WrapJpegs
to Create
and make it public. That opens up the option, for example, of encoding different frames at different qualities. (I'd also change List
to IEnumerable
, as Henrik proposes for the existing Create
There are some worrying magic numbers. Some of these concerns might be alleviated by a comment with a URL for the file format specification.
uint offset = 8; // size of header, offset to IFD
Is this 4 for the endianness magic number and 4 for offset
ushort entryCount = 14; // entries per IFD
This is fields.GetLength(0)
, isn't it? Is there any reason that you can't explicitly use fields.GetLength(0)
for robustness if you later add or remove a field?
// TIFF-fields / IFD-entrys:
// {TAG, TYPE (3 = short, 4 = long, 5 = rational), COUNT, VALUE/OFFSET}
uint[,] fields = ...
// write fields
for (int f = 0; f < fields.GetLength(0); f++)
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 0]);
writer.Write((ushort)fields[f, 1]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 2]);
writer.Write(fields[f, 3]);
I find it very confusing that a short
and a long
should take the same amount of space.
if (i == jpegs.Count - 1)
offset = 0;
offset += 22 + (uint)jpegs[i].Data.LongLength; // add values (of fields) length and jpeg length
22? Three shorts and four ints?
One more explicit (although less portable, I admit) approach to these lengths would be to use structs for the chunks of fields and Marshal.SizeOf
. But I understand if you think that's overkill.
answered 26 mins ago
Peter TaylorPeter Taylor
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