OpsCenter 5.2 cannot connect to multi-dc clusterCassandra Opscenter historical viewopscenter build cluster...

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OpsCenter 5.2 cannot connect to multi-dc cluster

Cassandra Opscenter historical viewopscenter build cluster failing on EC2Opscenter 5 setup error on adding existing clusterDatastax opscenter 5.0.1: can't create a new clusterDatastax OpsCenter 5.1 fails to backup 'All Keyspaces'OpsCenter 5.1 add existing clusterOpscenter not showing disk infoOpscenter 5.2 missing data for 1day and 1week graph scaleOpscenter can not connect to the nodesOpsCenter 5.1.3 tells agents wrong host IP


We have two data centers (192.X.X.X and 10.X.X.X) between which gossip (port 7001) is possible but not thrift or the native protocol. OpsCenter runs on a node in the first data center (192.X.X.X).

After updating from OpsCenter 5.1.3 to OpsCenter 5.2.0 on CentOS 6.6 the dashboard only shows "Cannot Connect to Cluster".

The opscenterd.log file shows repeated attempts to connect to the Cluster.

It begins with connecting to a seed node:

2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['', '']; protocol version: 2
2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Opening new connection to
2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Established new connection , registering watchers and refreshing schema and topology
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Refreshing node list and token map using preloaded results

The following part is repeated for each node in the other data center and also for each node from the local data center which is not in the list of seed nodes:

2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Found new host to connect to:
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] INFO: New Cassandra host discovered
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Handling new host and notifying listeners
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not adding connection pool for new host because the load balancing policy has marked it as IGNORED
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up

The log continues a bit until the control connection is closed:

2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Finished fetching ring info
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Rebuilding token map due to topology changes
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Attempting to use preloaded results for schema agreement
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] user types table not found
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched schema, rebuilding metadata
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Control connection created
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Initializing new connection pool for host
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Finished initializing new connection pool for host
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Added pool for host to session
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not executing scheduled task due to Scheduler shutdown
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down control connection
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (46700368) to
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (44407568) to
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (47567568) to
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory

Then something strange happens: A connection is established to the first node in the other data center:

2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['']; protocol version: 2
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Opening new connection to
2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
2015-08-10 11:52:07+0200 [] TRACE: Sending heartbeat.
2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] WARN: [control connection] Error connecting to errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None
2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] ERROR: Control connection failed to connect, shutting down Cluster: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': OperationTimedOut('errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None',)})
2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down control connection
2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not executing scheduled task due to Scheduler shutdown
2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [] WARN: No cassandra connection available for hostlist ['', ''] . Retrying.

This fails of course as we don't want clients to communicate across data centers.

Even with this cluster configuration OpsCenter still tries to connect to the other (wrong) data center:

seed_hosts =,
username = opscenter
password = XXX
local_dc_pref = DC1
used_hosts_per_remote_dc = 0

This setup worked without problems for all versions of OpsCenter until 5.2.0. Is it a new requirement that all nodes must be reachable through native protocol from the OpsCenter? Can't I tell OpsCenter to only connect to its local data center?

share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 5 hours ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.


    We have two data centers (192.X.X.X and 10.X.X.X) between which gossip (port 7001) is possible but not thrift or the native protocol. OpsCenter runs on a node in the first data center (192.X.X.X).

    After updating from OpsCenter 5.1.3 to OpsCenter 5.2.0 on CentOS 6.6 the dashboard only shows "Cannot Connect to Cluster".

    The opscenterd.log file shows repeated attempts to connect to the Cluster.

    It begins with connecting to a seed node:

    2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['', '']; protocol version: 2
    2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
    2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
    2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Opening new connection to
    2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
    2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Established new connection , registering watchers and refreshing schema and topology
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Refreshing node list and token map using preloaded results

    The following part is repeated for each node in the other data center and also for each node from the local data center which is not in the list of seed nodes:

    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Found new host to connect to:
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] INFO: New Cassandra host discovered
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Handling new host and notifying listeners
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not adding connection pool for new host because the load balancing policy has marked it as IGNORED
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up

    The log continues a bit until the control connection is closed:

    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Finished fetching ring info
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Rebuilding token map due to topology changes
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Attempting to use preloaded results for schema agreement
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] user types table not found
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched schema, rebuilding metadata
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Control connection created
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Initializing new connection pool for host
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Finished initializing new connection pool for host
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Added pool for host to session
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not executing scheduled task due to Scheduler shutdown
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down control connection
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (46700368) to
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (44407568) to
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (47567568) to
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory

    Then something strange happens: A connection is established to the first node in the other data center:

    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['']; protocol version: 2
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Opening new connection to
    2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
    2015-08-10 11:52:07+0200 [] TRACE: Sending heartbeat.
    2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] WARN: [control connection] Error connecting to errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None
    2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] ERROR: Control connection failed to connect, shutting down Cluster: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': OperationTimedOut('errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None',)})
    2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
    2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down control connection
    2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not executing scheduled task due to Scheduler shutdown
    2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [] WARN: No cassandra connection available for hostlist ['', ''] . Retrying.

    This fails of course as we don't want clients to communicate across data centers.

    Even with this cluster configuration OpsCenter still tries to connect to the other (wrong) data center:

    seed_hosts =,
    username = opscenter
    password = XXX
    local_dc_pref = DC1
    used_hosts_per_remote_dc = 0

    This setup worked without problems for all versions of OpsCenter until 5.2.0. Is it a new requirement that all nodes must be reachable through native protocol from the OpsCenter? Can't I tell OpsCenter to only connect to its local data center?

    share|improve this question

    bumped to the homepage by Community 5 hours ago

    This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.




      We have two data centers (192.X.X.X and 10.X.X.X) between which gossip (port 7001) is possible but not thrift or the native protocol. OpsCenter runs on a node in the first data center (192.X.X.X).

      After updating from OpsCenter 5.1.3 to OpsCenter 5.2.0 on CentOS 6.6 the dashboard only shows "Cannot Connect to Cluster".

      The opscenterd.log file shows repeated attempts to connect to the Cluster.

      It begins with connecting to a seed node:

      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['', '']; protocol version: 2
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Opening new connection to
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Established new connection , registering watchers and refreshing schema and topology
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Refreshing node list and token map using preloaded results

      The following part is repeated for each node in the other data center and also for each node from the local data center which is not in the list of seed nodes:

      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Found new host to connect to:
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] INFO: New Cassandra host discovered
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Handling new host and notifying listeners
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not adding connection pool for new host because the load balancing policy has marked it as IGNORED
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up

      The log continues a bit until the control connection is closed:

      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Finished fetching ring info
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Rebuilding token map due to topology changes
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Attempting to use preloaded results for schema agreement
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] user types table not found
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched schema, rebuilding metadata
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Control connection created
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Initializing new connection pool for host
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Finished initializing new connection pool for host
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Added pool for host to session
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not executing scheduled task due to Scheduler shutdown
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down control connection
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (46700368) to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (44407568) to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (47567568) to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory

      Then something strange happens: A connection is established to the first node in the other data center:

      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['']; protocol version: 2
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Opening new connection to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:07+0200 [] TRACE: Sending heartbeat.
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] WARN: [control connection] Error connecting to errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] ERROR: Control connection failed to connect, shutting down Cluster: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': OperationTimedOut('errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None',)})
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down control connection
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not executing scheduled task due to Scheduler shutdown
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [] WARN: No cassandra connection available for hostlist ['', ''] . Retrying.

      This fails of course as we don't want clients to communicate across data centers.

      Even with this cluster configuration OpsCenter still tries to connect to the other (wrong) data center:

      seed_hosts =,
      username = opscenter
      password = XXX
      local_dc_pref = DC1
      used_hosts_per_remote_dc = 0

      This setup worked without problems for all versions of OpsCenter until 5.2.0. Is it a new requirement that all nodes must be reachable through native protocol from the OpsCenter? Can't I tell OpsCenter to only connect to its local data center?

      share|improve this question

      We have two data centers (192.X.X.X and 10.X.X.X) between which gossip (port 7001) is possible but not thrift or the native protocol. OpsCenter runs on a node in the first data center (192.X.X.X).

      After updating from OpsCenter 5.1.3 to OpsCenter 5.2.0 on CentOS 6.6 the dashboard only shows "Cannot Connect to Cluster".

      The opscenterd.log file shows repeated attempts to connect to the Cluster.

      It begins with connecting to a seed node:

      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['', '']; protocol version: 2
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Opening new connection to
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:04+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Established new connection , registering watchers and refreshing schema and topology
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Refreshing node list and token map using preloaded results

      The following part is repeated for each node in the other data center and also for each node from the local data center which is not in the list of seed nodes:

      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Found new host to connect to:
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] INFO: New Cassandra host discovered
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Handling new host and notifying listeners
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not adding connection pool for new host because the load balancing policy has marked it as IGNORED
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up

      The log continues a bit until the control connection is closed:

      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Finished fetching ring info
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Rebuilding token map due to topology changes
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Attempting to use preloaded results for schema agreement
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] user types table not found
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched schema, rebuilding metadata
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Control connection created
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Initializing new connection pool for host
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Finished initializing new connection pool for host
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Added pool for host to session
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not executing scheduled task due to Scheduler shutdown
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down control connection
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (46700368) to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (44407568) to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closing connection (47567568) to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Closed socket to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Connect lost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Stopping factory

      Then something strange happens: A connection is established to the first node in the other data center:

      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Connecting to cluster, contact points: ['']; protocol version: 2
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] DEBUG: Host is now marked up
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: [control connection] Opening new connection to
      2015-08-10 11:52:05+0200 [] INFO: Starting factory
      2015-08-10 11:52:07+0200 [] TRACE: Sending heartbeat.
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] WARN: [control connection] Error connecting to errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] ERROR: Control connection failed to connect, shutting down Cluster: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': OperationTimedOut('errors=Timed out creating connection, last_host=None',)})
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down Cluster Scheduler
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Shutting down control connection
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [Cluster_01] DEBUG: Not executing scheduled task due to Scheduler shutdown
      2015-08-10 11:52:10+0200 [] WARN: No cassandra connection available for hostlist ['', ''] . Retrying.

      This fails of course as we don't want clients to communicate across data centers.

      Even with this cluster configuration OpsCenter still tries to connect to the other (wrong) data center:

      seed_hosts =,
      username = opscenter
      password = XXX
      local_dc_pref = DC1
      used_hosts_per_remote_dc = 0

      This setup worked without problems for all versions of OpsCenter until 5.2.0. Is it a new requirement that all nodes must be reachable through native protocol from the OpsCenter? Can't I tell OpsCenter to only connect to its local data center?


      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Aug 10 '15 at 11:14

      Severin LeonhardtSeverin Leonhardt



      bumped to the homepage by Community 5 hours ago

      This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

      bumped to the homepage by Community 5 hours ago

      This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

          1 Answer





          I can confirm your bug and it can be tracked as OPSC-6299 (sorry no public bug tracker, but this can be used for communications with Datastax or future ticket references).

          The short of it is that OpsCenter should be respecting that load balancing policy, it is valid, but in this case there's a bug.

          share|improve this answer

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            I can confirm your bug and it can be tracked as OPSC-6299 (sorry no public bug tracker, but this can be used for communications with Datastax or future ticket references).

            The short of it is that OpsCenter should be respecting that load balancing policy, it is valid, but in this case there's a bug.

            share|improve this answer


              I can confirm your bug and it can be tracked as OPSC-6299 (sorry no public bug tracker, but this can be used for communications with Datastax or future ticket references).

              The short of it is that OpsCenter should be respecting that load balancing policy, it is valid, but in this case there's a bug.

              share|improve this answer




                I can confirm your bug and it can be tracked as OPSC-6299 (sorry no public bug tracker, but this can be used for communications with Datastax or future ticket references).

                The short of it is that OpsCenter should be respecting that load balancing policy, it is valid, but in this case there's a bug.

                share|improve this answer

                I can confirm your bug and it can be tracked as OPSC-6299 (sorry no public bug tracker, but this can be used for communications with Datastax or future ticket references).

                The short of it is that OpsCenter should be respecting that load balancing policy, it is valid, but in this case there's a bug.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Aug 11 '15 at 20:47




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